21. Feb. 2017
Forgotten cars
Somewhere in the forest, inside and outside of several small sheds, those old treasures are waiting to be rediscovered.

18. Feb. 2017
Chocolate Factory / Schokoladenfabrik
Zahlreiche Maschinen zeugen noch von besseren Tagen. Bis circa 1990 wurde hier produziert. Nun tropft das Wasser von der Decke und...

5. Feb. 2017
Bahnbetriebswerk A.
Until the close-down in 1988, diesel and electric locomotives have been maintained on the site. The two roundhouses were supposed to be demo

5. Feb. 2017
Abandoned brothel / Bordell
In a plain house at the edge of the woods lies this small brothel. Bar, kitchen, pool and dance area are hidden in complete darkness. The...