12. Mai 2019
Sonderwaffenlager Area One
Während des Kalten Krieges wurden hier Sonderwaffen der NATO gelagert. In den Bunkern dieses Hochsicherheitslagers wurden einst...

2. Okt. 2016
Kaserne R.
There's not much to see here. Much vandalism, much trash, emptiness. We were told it's dangerous to check out the other buildings,...

29. Mai 2016
Caserne Abbatucci
This casern was built in 1902 and first used by the Prussian army. When we visited the casern, the main parts of the barracks had been...

29. Sept. 2012
General-Olbricht-Kaserne Leipzig
An interesting yet scary place. Meanwhile, most of the buildings have been renovated and sold/rented.