5. März 2020
VEB Spielzeugfabrik
Nachdem die Produktion von Zelten eingestellt wurde, stellte man auf dem ca. 14000 qm großen Gelände von 1993 bis 1999 Spielwaren her....

![VEB Electro [revisit]](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/904a21_56a57fa052414697b41c69fc10dd503b~mv2.jpg/v1/fill/w_342,h_228,fp_0.50_0.50,q_90,enc_auto/904a21_56a57fa052414697b41c69fc10dd503b~mv2.webp)
25. Dez. 2016
VEB Electro [revisit]
A stormy day - windows were smashing, it started raining. I forgot how I used to enter the factory when I visited first in 2014. We took...

27. Aug. 2014
VEB Jutespinnerei Texafol
This lost place seems to be really famous. People went there for just having a walk, we met couples, sprayers, kids, even families, who enjo

24. Aug. 2014
VEB Electro
Until the end of WW2, the factory grew to be the biggest specialist company in this field - counting over 2000 employees. Due to the politic

2. Okt. 2012
Schokoladenfabrik VEB Goldeck Leipzig
Sometimes, you go through your harddrives and find some old pictures. I decided wether I should upload them or not, the quality is so...

1. Okt. 2012
VEB Kolloidchemie Leipzig
When I was a kid, like 9 years old, my grandparents always told me, when I try to enter this factory, the acid will destroy my shoes and...