3. Aug. 2016
Bauernhof S.
There's not much left of this small farm. The floor has completely collapsed - stepping on it is impossible. The only thing that remained...

3. Aug. 2016
Hotel Alexanderschanze
Back in 1868, there used to be forester's house with a barn for horses and wagons, right here. When it burned down in 1911, today's...

26. Juni 2016
Maison Cigarettes
Ein kleines, verlassenes Haus, versteckt hinter einigen Bäumen. A small abandoned house, hidden behind some trees.

26. Juni 2016
Villa du Bois Fleuri
It wasn't easy getting into that location. Climbing a hill, walking through man-high grass - to be pretty disappointed in the end. The...

14. Mai 2016
Manoir Tipografico
Nope, I was not on a survival trip to the jungle, even though this greenhouse creates the impression. P.S. Hiding in bathrooms is not a...

15. Dez. 2014
Chateau Lumiere
The Chateau, with its neo-baroque style, was built by a tobacco manufacturer in 1900. After his death in 1959, the house remained uninhabite