21. Feb. 2017
Forgotten cars
Somewhere in the forest, inside and outside of several small sheds, those old treasures are waiting to be rediscovered.

18. Feb. 2017
Chocolate Factory / Schokoladenfabrik
Zahlreiche Maschinen zeugen noch von besseren Tagen. Bis circa 1990 wurde hier produziert. Nun tropft das Wasser von der Decke und...

5. Feb. 2017
Bahnbetriebswerk A.
Until the close-down in 1988, diesel and electric locomotives have been maintained on the site. The two roundhouses were supposed to be demo

5. Feb. 2017
Abandoned brothel / Bordell
In a plain house at the edge of the woods lies this small brothel. Bar, kitchen, pool and dance area are hidden in complete darkness. The...

21. Jan. 2017
Abandoned Theater
Because of the extremely good condition of this location, I'm not going to write anything about its history, to protect it. The sad news

12. Jan. 2017
Forgotten trains
A few wagons and locomotives in the snow.